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TissueMag - May 19 issue

One more time we are the first

After having equipped the inverters with film capacitors and ONE Card, now we go for the liquid cooling system. The advantages: reduced spaces, absence of dust contamination, humidity in acid environment, preserving the internal components guaranteeing through time an important energy saving.

by: SAEL Srl

Fulfilling the mission voted to the “Spirit of Improving”, SAEL applied the know-how achieved along the Tunnel Boring Machines experience, to their massive production drives. The hard environment in which the inverters work on, are among the most severe that can be encountered: small spaces, strong vibrations and high temperatures.

Those reasons have driven R&D team to create a water-cooled drive: extremely reliable, compact and strongly immune to thermal and mechanical shock; applied in well-protected environments such as the paper mill, just a few months after start-up, it allowed to sleep peacefully and to encourage massively the paper mills to be led towards this technology.

Sectional drive electrical cabinet by the exclusive “Platform ONE” drives WATER.

The technological gap. SACI paper mill

The liquid cooled drives, without tangential fans (one each inverter), allowed us to remove all the ventilation normally mounted on every door of the electrical cabinet. The new electrical cabinets where our panels are installed, abundantly conditioned before, today become normal rooms, since the system becomes independently cooled. The double-sided electrical panels, where the inverters are mounted, have closed air recirculation ensuring no contamination of dust, humidity and air acidity; they preserve over time.

The experience gained as well as the excellent performance monitored over the years due above all to energy saving, will allow Cartiere SACI to save about € 60,000 a year, eliminating the need for maintenance of the air conditioners and fans. The drive system dealt with the management of 46 AC motors of about 2 MW of installed power; the realization, unique in its kind and coordinated with our DCS in Drive, both in paper machine and in rewinder, was strongly desired to equip the paper mill with all the qualities that our Platform ONE offers today in the market.

Water-water exchangers with direct in-let from the well of water.

SAEL Platform ONE drive. Industry 4.0

The “ONE drive” platform born for the paper industry, that entered the market in 2011, and in 2018 was enriched with the solution “liquid cooling” was immediately proven to be innovative and highly performing. All drives (AC, DC, BRUSHLESS, CHOPPER and REBORN) of paper machine, winder, calander, wrapping machine and stock preparation, are always managed by the “ONE” hardware card: identical to the others (ONE Card “Fits All”).

The ONE card is supported with by one ductile memory that contains the data, extractable and easily replaceable by anyone even without experience. In practice no programming, parametrization and operation like normally in the technical world with a connected PC is necessary to restart with our drive in case there is a failure. A system simple and dedicated to the auto diagnosis for helping the paper mill to conduct unparallel trouble shooting.

The platform “ONE drive” foresees the use of the latest generation drives Long Life, practically with an infinite life. The drives are equipped with components that are not in fear of aging (for example all the electrolytical capacitors with which every inverter is equipped with a 60,000-90,000 hours’ lifetime, our drives are substituted with film capacitors) and are easily repairable in contrast to our competitors who are constructing drives in a more consumeristic model as all appliances are build. In the presence of a fault they prefer to replace them.

Siemens 1500 PLC safe and Scalink DCS Automation of the whole Paper Mill.

Custom and flexible solutions for easier and quick installations: systems and friendly user interfaces for any production stage

Also, the changing of models very frequently is always lurking; another nice idea to confuse the end customer that they must upgrade or get expensive spare parts. Remote assistance and the possibility to understand every single problem that happens in the drive system through the “DCS in drive ONE”, complete the platform that except from saving spare parts, guarantee their fast replacement and a long-life lasting system. This is the philosophy with which SAEL has responded to the drives market for paper mills since 2011.


SAEL srl

The paper production has three key words: quality, efficiency, 24/24 continuous production. A committed and specialized Team focused on innovative solutions development: from the revamping of the existing machines up to the new production lines

Custom and Flexible solutions: Systems and friendly user interfaces for any production stage. A long experience over the years allows the full integration between the most popular branded components – Inverters, Plc and the ONE Drives SAEL born for paper industry 


After having equipped the inverters with film capacitors and ONE Regulation Board  is time for liquid cooling. The advantages: spaces, no fans on drive, no conditioning areas, absence of dust contamination in acid environment and an important energy saving.

Fulfilling the mission voted to the “Spirit of Improving”, SAEL applied the know-how achieved along the Tunnel Boring Machines experience, to their massive production drives. The hard environment in which the inverters work on, are among the most severe that can be encountered: small spaces, strong vibrations and high temperatures.

Those reasons have driven R&D team to create a water-cooled drive: extremely reliable, compact and strongly immune to thermal and mechanical shock; applied in well-protected environments such as the paper mill, just a few months after start-up, it allowed to sleep peacefully and to encourage massively the paper mills to be led towards this technology.

Sectional drive electrical cabinet by the exclusive “Platform ONE” drives WATER.

The technological gap. SACI paper mill

The liquid cooled drives, without tangential fans (one each inverter), allowed us to remove all the ventilation normally mounted on every door of the electrical cabinet. The new electrical cabinets where our panels are installed, abundantly conditioned before, today become normal rooms, since the system becomes independently cooled. The double-sided electrical panels, where the inverters are mounted, have closed air recirculation ensuring no contamination of dust, humidity and air acidity; they preserve over time.

The experience gained as well as the excellent performance monitored over the years due above all to energy saving, will allow Cartiere SACI to save about € 60,000 a year, eliminating the need for maintenance of the air conditioners and fans. The drive system dealt with the management of 46 AC motors of about 2 MW of installed power; the realization, unique in its kind and coordinated with our DCS in Drive, both in paper machine and in rewinder, was strongly desired to equip the paper mill with all the qualities that our Platform ONE offers today in the market.

Water-water exchangers with direct in-let from the well of water.

SAEL Platform ONE drive. Industry 4.0

The “ONE drive” platform born for the paper industry, that entered the market in 2011, and in 2018 was enriched with the solution “liquid cooling” was immediately proven to be innovative and highly performing. All drives (AC, DC, BRUSHLESS, CHOPPER and REBORN) of paper machine, winder, calander, wrapping machine and stock preparation, are always managed by the “ONE” hardware card: identical to the others (ONE Card “Fits All”).

The ONE card is supported with by one ductile memory that contains the data, extractable and easily replaceable by anyone even without experience. In practice no programming, parametrization and operation like normally in the technical world with a connected PC is necessary to restart with our drive in case there is a failure. A system simple and dedicated to the auto diagnosis for helping the paper mill to conduct unparallel trouble shooting.

The platform “ONE drive” foresees the use of the latest generation drives Long Life, practically with an infinite life. The drives are equipped with components that are not in fear of aging (for example all the electrolytical capacitors with which every inverter is equipped with a 60,000-90,000 hours’ lifetime, our drives are substituted with film capacitors) and are easily repairable in contrast to our competitors who are constructing drives in a more consumeristic model as all appliances are build. In the presence of a fault they prefer to replace them.

Siemens 1500 PLC safe and Scalink DCS Automation of the whole Paper Mill.

Custom and flexible solutions for easier and quick installations: systems and friendly user interfaces for any production stage

Also, the changing of models very frequently is always lurking; another nice idea to confuse the end customer that they must upgrade or get expensive spare parts. Remote assistance and the possibility to understand every single problem that happens in the drive system through the “DCS in drive ONE”, complete the platform that except from saving spare parts, guarantee their fast replacement and a long-life lasting system. This is the philosophy with which SAEL has responded to the drives market for paper mills since 2011.



AC motors, AC-DC drives, Automation systems, Calender drives, Coating machine drives, Control and switch panels, Cutter drives, DC motors, Electrical drives, Electrical equipments, Electrical motors, Grinder drives, Meters equipments, Paper machine drives, Winder drives .

address Via dei Genieri 31, 36040, Torri di Quartesolo (Vicenza) , Italy

phone +390444582499



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