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TissueMag - May 19 issue

We take care of your rewinder

Elio Cavagna Srl - Helios - working for over 40 years in the industrial cutting sector, is skilled to recognize the best solutions for already existing machines to make them more performing.

by: Elio Cavagna Srl

Today we update and modernize the cutting systems of rewinders of all brands and we operate all over the world thanks to our team of expert installers and software engineers. Our goal is to solve customer problems, to optimize production processes, increase the production capacity of the plant and ensure superior cutting quality.

To achieve these results we focus the attention on the cutting area that has some critical issues. First of all, the main problem could be: long time to prepare and position the blades, high blade usury, waste formation, frequent maintenance and bad quality of the cut. An example of intervention on an existing plant is the one we carried out on an old Beloit machine installed by one of our Mexican customers. It was a cutting system with a work table of 6 meters and a speed of 2.000 m/min, outdated with problems in safety and reduced performance due to dead times and excessive blades usury.

With 32 years of experience in industry, we are sure that Helios can propose the right solution to cutting requirements


Beloit machine before retrofit.
Beloit machine after retrofit.

FAST-MAN system

The system was somewhat obsolete and thanks to our experience we were able to carry out a complete revamping of the cutting area, a change that allowed to replace the old system with a modern and functional one. The system supplied is called FAST-MAN, whose peculiarity is to be able to move blades and counterblades together, in fact the operator has just to place the blades to the desired size without having to intervene continuously. A product, the FAST-MAN, which therefore reduces machine downtime and the number of operations to be performed and which allows to obtain advantages such as longer blade life and better cutting quality.

A second example concerns the automation of a Toscotec tissue machine. The plant was already equipped with a Helios FAST-MAN cutting system which has been integrated by an automatic positioner managed by a touch-screen operator panel. A Siemens touch panel has been added to the control panel of the rewinder and from this position the operator can manage the machine without going beyond the protection barriers. Following the customer’s needs, we performed an upgrade in order to transform the positioning system from manual to automatic. To note that Helios software is friendly-user, the operator interface is simple to use and requires only basic training to enter data, also not-skilled worker can quickly learn how to program it. Software can be individually customized upon request and can be integrated to the informatic system of the client. Moreover, all the machines that we supply allow remote assistance in order to simplify the maintenance and facilitate fast interventions by our operators.


Our retrofit on a tissue paper machine.


Elio Cavagna S.r.l.

address Via Curioni 1, 26832, Galgagnano (LO) , Italy

phone +39 0371 68099



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