Unity is strength. The win-win situation played by the emerging group Enfasi & SINERGY who made this big job in a short time is the fact! The customer assigned the rebuilding of its continuous machine to Enfasi & SINERGY (SINERGY a Joint Venture between SAEL, Elettronica Lucense and SIMI&C) – born to supply OEMs and End Users locally, as well as around the world). The individual skills of the players mentioned above, allowed to hit this ambitious target. The PM Machine, originally made in 2001, was suffering from aging of the parts related to the DRV and DCS by ABB.
Complete customization and adaptability with any existing production control system

Thanks to the deep knowledge of Mr. Marco Nieri, Head of Enfasi, who started this system in 2001, was possible to replicate the solution into a more modern concept. The QCS was made by last year by Enfasi as well. The needs of the customer and the practical aspects leaded to the Rokwell DCSs platform choice. The old ABB system was removed and quickly re-wired using the new I/O Rokwell boards. The 13 former drives were updated by the SAEL Reeborn system, equipped with Ethernet TCPIP net. The Reeborn SAEL is an innovative system, performing based, who allows to re-use most of the original drives components, with a relevant cost saving. As long as the customer management is carefully focused on finding the best ratio solution/cost, their choice on Reeborn for this PM job, was a big success for all of us.
The wiring proven team ensured the explant of the old DCS ABB on time: 4 days. Apart of the DCS, some output relay boards were replaced as well. At the end of the 4th day, they started the Drives calibration and the routines/tests of the logics and sequences managed by the new DCS. The 5th of January the Paper mill was ready to produce. From today on, a new generation single CPU manages more than 2,000 signals of the PM machine and a small CPU linked to the main one, is dedicated to the continuous machine Drives, only. This architecture separates the two systems allowing the best flexibility on refs. management. The machine automation is based on the SAEL sectional drive with the remote control by “DCS in DRIVE” system, the top solution for this market segment.

The high flexibility and functionality of the system mentioned above, whenever applicable to any other machine, immediately highlights benefits in term of cost savings and time-to-resolution. Actually, in this job, Reeborn allows to save and re-use all the existing hardware components like electro-mechanics in the cabinets, some of the driver sections (capacitors, relays, ABB diods section) ensuring a “new life” to the application itself.
The results is getting a new system with high performances and, nevertheless, with spare parts available for many many time. Another win of our turnkey approach, which is technically oriented – mainly – with skilled and prepared players, and efficient in terms of costs.
We are focused on Pulp & Paper area; we also operate in several other areas and work quite in all industrial sectors
Layout Integrated QCS DCS DRV System Architecture
The system installed is a Compact Logix by Rockwell. The HMI is a Ftview by Rockwell. Thanks to the optimized Pulp & Paper libraries, and a hardware integration Enfasi & SINERGY achieved high performance results. The solution, compared to other ones, met the following customer expectations: architecture flexibility; cost saving on spare parts; optimizations on process adjustments (thanks to an high performing 16 bit I/O device).