A challenge they won thanks to a huge and tireless job that allowed PM2 – the machine supplied to Essel by the Lucca-based company in June 2015 – to return to operation.
Less than 7 months after the terrible blaze, the plant was able to restart (1800 mpm, net sheet width at the pope reel 3050 mm, production capacity 130 tons/day).
“We worked incessantly in the course of these months”, explains Rony Michelini, Sales Engineer Application at Recard, “to recondition all the damaged parts and make the plant operational again. We dismantled what was left of the machine and brought it back to Italy, reconditioning and repairing all that was possible or providing irreparable parts ex novo. Everything was then re-installed and the machine restarted. A success rendered possible also thanks to the strong effort made by Essel to rebuild the entire facility building”.