The importance of having a good adhesive is quite evident in every step: from the manufacture of the cardboard tube, bonding the first layer of the roll (pick-up), laminating the layers that provide absorption and quality, to finishing the roll (tail-seal). But only a few adhesive manufacturers are capable of providing the specific solutions for each of these applications, as they must meet two important conditions:

  1. R&D department focused on the formulation of adhesives technologically suitable for the tissue industry sector;
  2. Production capacity, as adhesives should be manufactured in segregated machines.

The adhesives manufactured by PANIKER, in Barcelona, meet these conditions and our most historic customers – from Spain, Europe, Africa, Oceania and America – can prove it. For more than 20 years, PANIKER have decided to specialize in this industry, learning and growing together with our clients. We have invested in a specific production plant and we have an entire portfolio focused on the needs of this market. TISSUECOL adhesives are reliable products that reflect all this know-how.

In applications such as lamination and tail-seal, most converting producers use concentrated adhesives, which allows them to optimize the supply chain increasing efficiency. Adhesive must be diluted before being used, usually done manually (adding water by the operators) or automatically, using dilution systems. In our experience, average dilution ratio is 1 to 3 (1 part adhesive to 3 parts water). However, depending on the possibilities of the production process, dilution can reach ratios of 1:5/1:6 or even higher (1:9). TISSUECOL adhesives achieve these high dilutions, optimizing the performance of the adhesive without compromising its main function, allowing manual or automated system dilution.

Issues caused during the gluing process can stop production, some due to an unsuitable adhesive. Low adhesion during the lamination process results in layers unattached while the excess of adhesion can cause too rigid bond between the layers of the paper and even machine stops as the paper ends up bonded to the embossed roller.
TISSUECOL range of adhesives were formulated to provide both optimal dilution rates and easy cleaning, as they don’t adhere to the embossed rollers or any metal element.
When forming cardboard tubes, however, the challenge is speed: adhesives must be able to bond substrates (sometimes multiple layers of cardboard), at speeds that can range from 25 tubes/minute to more than 40 tubes per minute. Paniker’s EUROPANOL range of adhesives have a wide portfolio: from the most versatile and best-selling to adhesives specially formulated to adapt to those faster machines.

Water-based adhesives developed by PANIKER can be dispersed in water, in an industrial recycling process with an index between 97% and 100%, following the recommendations for better recyclability. This adds value to the final product by not interfering with the recycling process and provides a better brand image for the consumer. Likewise, these adhesives comply with FDA/BfR regulations. Since 2019, PANIKER has been working on a roadmap marked by the Green Deal, with sustainability policies. Using different actions such as collaboration with raw material suppliers, minimization in the use of resources, waste and emissions reduction, remanufacturing, recycling, reusing and optimizing transportation, everything within the framework of a circular economy.

Circular economy and sustainability as an everyday goal.

TISSUECOL range of adhesives: for lamination, pick-up and tail seal applications.