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TissueMag - May 18 issue

New breakthrough in MARE yankee coating technology

MARE is one of the largest privately owned and European based manufacturers and suppliers of chemical solutions in the market today.

by: MARE S.p.A.

Dear Reader of TissueMAG,

We are glad to be on TissueMAG pages, drawing your attention on some new improvements on yankee coating technology. As you perfectly know, yankee coating, together with stock preparation, is the very heart of tissue making process, and a proper set up of coating chemistry is mandatory to obtain desired bulk and surface properties of tissue, contribute to high production process performance and yield, provide optimal protection of the yankee cylinder surface and allow efficient converting operations.

All tissue makers have got used to have their own coating chemistry recipe, developed together with their supplying ‘partners’, term which, in no other case, is as adequate due to level of knowledge required to project a proper yankee coating chemical program. Experience, wide range of reliable coating chemicals and full control over the quality of the raw materials are required from supplying companies. A typical coating recipe is based on specific categories of chemicals, in particular protection aids, for the long term preservation of the yankee surface, release agents, controlling adhesion on the surface, and filming agents, providing the base coating film needed to have stable adhesion, film whose properties can be additionally controlled by the use of modifiers and, locally, applied on the out-of-hood section of the yankee, edge control chemicals.

The greatest challenge in tissue is to have a stable coating layer despite a huge number of interferences such as reduction of fresh water consumption, variable pulp acidity, a growing fraction of short fiber and waste paper in the paper recipe, shorter production campaigns, frequent changes between toilet and ws production and the request for bulkier and softer paper, leading to the use of creping blade with aggressive geometry and materials.

MARE provides the Tissue and Towel producers with all the chemical requirements to ensure optimum product quality


Detail of the coating created on the surface of the yankee cylinder.

In this scenario, filming agents play a primary role, as they provide the first stabilisation of the paper sheet, when the wet web comes in contact with the yankee, and the first external barrier created between the blades and the yankee surface as well. The ideal filming agent shows high stability despite high production speed (1800 m/min or more) and uneven moisture profile, limits to the maximum blade wear, helps with maintaining stable paper quality until the end of blade life, combines with the protection aid to provide a flexible film with moderate adhesion behaviour, basic requirement to have low blade vibration and actively prevent chatter-marks formation, and, moreover, allows an easy shift between various tissue grades, for example between soft and bulky hankies and facials and kitchen towel, or between lightweight toilet paper and high basis weight kitchen towel, or between virgin pulp and deinked or waste paper.

Typical warning system used to control vibrations on the creping blade.
Typical trend of vibration on the creping blade with the use of MARECOAT A 595 and 598.

MARECOAT A 595, developed in collaboration with one of the largest tissue making group of the world, is the chemical closest to the ‘ideal’ filming agent we have made available so far. In our tests, this chemical took part into coating recipes used to produce tissue products with an aggressive blade geometry, leading the market in terms of softness and bulk, on a machine where, due to specific conditions in the process, the moisture profile was subject to alteration, showing picks up to 12% in a short time. Our customer appreciated the fact that, in this condition, MARECOAT A 595 was, finally, the solution they were looking for to prevent sudden local uncoating while they could take the required measures to eliminate the wet sections on the moisture profile, so providing a precious factor of protection of paper quality and against yankee chatter marks. While we are writing, a new filming is also under testing, MARECOAT A 598. This chemical is providing stable coating to some of the harsher conditions which can be met on the yankee, that is production of soft paper with ceramic creping blade at 75° beavel, under an uneven moisture profile.  If you want to know more contact your local MARE representative.

MARE has the capabilities and experience to meet all your chemical needs

Main building of MARE headquarters.

Mare Dynamics

The company fully dedicated to the tissue industry to provide customers with Value chemical technologies and high quality of Technical field support.

As part of the Mare Group, Mare Dynamics offer a complete package of chemistries to the tissue industries to cover process, functional and water treatment needs. The global management of the chemicals allows new and existing customers to dedicate their full time to the paper production  improving operational efficiencies, enhance product quality, protect plant assets and minimize environmental impact.

Paper and chemical engineers, mechanical and logistic operators, production and laboratory scientists are all servicing the customers for state of the art treaments design, management and control of chemicals usage and to minimize chemical cost inpact on paper production.

Dear Reader of TissueMAG,

We are glad to be on TissueMAG pages, drawing your attention on some new improvements on yankee coating technology. As you perfectly know, yankee coating, together with stock preparation, is the very heart of tissue making process, and a proper set up of coating chemistry is mandatory to obtain desired bulk and surface properties of tissue, contribute to high production process performance and yield, provide optimal protection of the yankee cylinder surface and allow efficient converting operations.

All tissue makers have got used to have their own coating chemistry recipe, developed together with their supplying ‘partners’, term which, in no other case, is as adequate due to level of knowledge required to project a proper yankee coating chemical program. Experience, wide range of reliable coating chemicals and full control over the quality of the raw materials are required from supplying companies. A typical coating recipe is based on specific categories of chemicals, in particular protection aids, for the long term preservation of the yankee surface, release agents, controlling adhesion on the surface, and filming agents, providing the base coating film needed to have stable adhesion, film whose properties can be additionally controlled by the use of modifiers and, locally, applied on the out-of-hood section of the yankee, edge control chemicals.

The greatest challenge in tissue is to have a stable coating layer despite a huge number of interferences such as reduction of fresh water consumption, variable pulp acidity, a growing fraction of short fiber and waste paper in the paper recipe, shorter production campaigns, frequent changes between toilet and ws production and the request for bulkier and softer paper, leading to the use of creping blade with aggressive geometry and materials.

MARE provides the Tissue and Towel producers with all the chemical requirements to ensure optimum product quality


Detail of the coating created on the surface of the yankee cylinder.

In this scenario, filming agents play a primary role, as they provide the first stabilisation of the paper sheet, when the wet web comes in contact with the yankee, and the first external barrier created between the blades and the yankee surface as well. The ideal filming agent shows high stability despite high production speed (1800 m/min or more) and uneven moisture profile, limits to the maximum blade wear, helps with maintaining stable paper quality until the end of blade life, combines with the protection aid to provide a flexible film with moderate adhesion behaviour, basic requirement to have low blade vibration and actively prevent chatter-marks formation, and, moreover, allows an easy shift between various tissue grades, for example between soft and bulky hankies and facials and kitchen towel, or between lightweight toilet paper and high basis weight kitchen towel, or between virgin pulp and deinked or waste paper.

Typical warning system used to control vibrations on the creping blade.
Typical trend of vibration on the creping blade with the use of MARECOAT A 595 and 598.

MARECOAT A 595, developed in collaboration with one of the largest tissue making group of the world, is the chemical closest to the ‘ideal’ filming agent we have made available so far. In our tests, this chemical took part into coating recipes used to produce tissue products with an aggressive blade geometry, leading the market in terms of softness and bulk, on a machine where, due to specific conditions in the process, the moisture profile was subject to alteration, showing picks up to 12% in a short time. Our customer appreciated the fact that, in this condition, MARECOAT A 595 was, finally, the solution they were looking for to prevent sudden local uncoating while they could take the required measures to eliminate the wet sections on the moisture profile, so providing a precious factor of protection of paper quality and against yankee chatter marks. While we are writing, a new filming is also under testing, MARECOAT A 598. This chemical is providing stable coating to some of the harsher conditions which can be met on the yankee, that is production of soft paper with ceramic creping blade at 75° beavel, under an uneven moisture profile.  If you want to know more contact your local MARE representative.

MARE has the capabilities and experience to meet all your chemical needs

Main building of MARE headquarters.


Adhesives, Aluminium sulphate, Anti-foaming agents, Anti-slime agents, Auxiliary chemicals for the paper industry, Bactericides, Biocides, Cleaning agents, Coating additives, Corrosion inhibitors, Deinking agents, Drainage agents, Dry strength improving agents, Emulsifiers, Fixatives, Flocculation agents, Flotations agents, Fungicides, Paper finish improvers, Pitch control, Pulp, Resines, Retention agents, Sedimentation agents, Sizes, Sizing agents, Sludge dewatering agents, Surface finish improvers, Waste water purifying agents, Wet strength agents, Wetting agents, Wire conditioning agents, Wire life extenders .

address Via delle Molina 69/A, 51012, Veneri - Pescia (Pistoia) , Italy

phone +390572427208



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