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TissueMag - May 21 issue

Yes, we care: reconciling efficient adhesives and caring for the environment in the tissue industry

In PANIKER, we believe that adhesives can contribute to the sustainability of our planet by providing efficient solutions for the tissue industry.


Range of adhesives for converting industry: EUROPANOL and TISSUECOL brands

Adhesives for the manufacture of toilet and kitchen rolls
Adhesives for the manufacture of toilet and kitchen rolls

These adhesives are used for the core winding, the pick-up bonding of the roll with the tube, the laminating of the layers of paper and the sealing of tail. In these 4 processes, the adhesives provide different qualities that allow obtaining a finished product that offers the consumer the desired quality. However, we observe a growing trend on the part of consumers to choose not only products that fulfill the expected function, but also optimizing the recovery of materials while minimizing the impact on the environment, which is known as a circular economy.

Adhesive engineering – we match your needs with our solutions

Water dispersible adhesives: a circular process

The water-based adhesives range developed at PANIKER for the tissue industry offer the possibility of dispersing in water in an industrial recycling process. Adhesives for the applications for tube winding, lamination, pick up and tail seal are soluble in water at an index between 97 and 100%, following the recommendations for better recyclability (Source: Ecoembes publicaciones empresas – Guía de ecodiseño de envases y embalajes). This advantage adds value to the finished product by not interfering with the recycling process and provides a better brand image for the consumer.

Bio-based adhesives: the engineering of the present

At PANIKER we work to improve our products by focusing on research and development in line with sustainability. Currently, in our range of adhesives for tissue, we already have formulations entirely with bio raw materials that allow a complete recycling of its components.

In our R+D+I laboratory we work to optimize the performance of our adhesives to the maximum

Paper and cardboard: preferred by consumers

Due to its environmental performance and versatility to replace other materials, the growing trend of consumers is increasingly closer to paper and cardboard. In Spain, according to the 2020 paper survey (Source: ASPAPEL), 97% of the respondents consider paper and cardboard packaging more ecological while 85% of consumers want the use of paper products to increase by substituting other materials. In the tissue industry, we see this trend in packaging change: instead of the traditional plastic foil that wraps kitchen and toilet rolls, some manufacturers now also offer a more environmentally friendly paper packaging.
For these recent applications, PANIKER already has hot melt adhesives, water-based adhesives and heat-activated adhesives (previously applied on paper), suitable according to the type of machine and process.

PANIKER has one the most fully equipped laboratories in the adhesives industry

High volume, less impact

At PANIKER, as adhesive manufacturers, we also have the possibility to optimize packaging and transport of products in order to reduce or minimize the environmental impact. For this purpose we have invested in a facility for cleaning and conditioning IBC/ GRG type containers. Likewise, we can supply liquid adhesives in bulk tanks for customers with high consumption, which optimizes transport and completely reduces the use of containers.

Water soluble adhesives are tested in our laboratories



Paniker S.L.

At PANIKER, we are proud to have 100 years of history: since 1922 we have been manufacturing, formulating and marketing high-performance water-based, solvent-based, polyurethane and hot melt adhesives.

We are leading manufacturers of cost-efficient adhesives for the tissue industry, with the largest production capacity of liquid adhesives in Spain (44.000 ton/year) which complies with all regulations of Industrial Safety and Hygiene.

In addition to a high production capacity, we have our own Research and Development department completely focused on the engineering of products , capable of developing the best adhesive according to the needs and / or requirements of the Client /Market.


Range of adhesives for converting industry: EUROPANOL and TISSUECOL brands

Adhesives for the manufacture of toilet and kitchen rolls
Adhesives for the manufacture of toilet and kitchen rolls

These adhesives are used for the core winding, the pick-up bonding of the roll with the tube, the laminating of the layers of paper and the sealing of tail. In these 4 processes, the adhesives provide different qualities that allow obtaining a finished product that offers the consumer the desired quality. However, we observe a growing trend on the part of consumers to choose not only products that fulfill the expected function, but also optimizing the recovery of materials while minimizing the impact on the environment, which is known as a circular economy.

Adhesive engineering – we match your needs with our solutions

Water dispersible adhesives: a circular process

The water-based adhesives range developed at PANIKER for the tissue industry offer the possibility of dispersing in water in an industrial recycling process. Adhesives for the applications for tube winding, lamination, pick up and tail seal are soluble in water at an index between 97 and 100%, following the recommendations for better recyclability (Source: Ecoembes publicaciones empresas – Guía de ecodiseño de envases y embalajes). This advantage adds value to the finished product by not interfering with the recycling process and provides a better brand image for the consumer.

Bio-based adhesives: the engineering of the present

At PANIKER we work to improve our products by focusing on research and development in line with sustainability. Currently, in our range of adhesives for tissue, we already have formulations entirely with bio raw materials that allow a complete recycling of its components.

In our R+D+I laboratory we work to optimize the performance of our adhesives to the maximum

Paper and cardboard: preferred by consumers

Due to its environmental performance and versatility to replace other materials, the growing trend of consumers is increasingly closer to paper and cardboard. In Spain, according to the 2020 paper survey (Source: ASPAPEL), 97% of the respondents consider paper and cardboard packaging more ecological while 85% of consumers want the use of paper products to increase by substituting other materials. In the tissue industry, we see this trend in packaging change: instead of the traditional plastic foil that wraps kitchen and toilet rolls, some manufacturers now also offer a more environmentally friendly paper packaging.
For these recent applications, PANIKER already has hot melt adhesives, water-based adhesives and heat-activated adhesives (previously applied on paper), suitable according to the type of machine and process.

PANIKER has one the most fully equipped laboratories in the adhesives industry

High volume, less impact

At PANIKER, as adhesive manufacturers, we also have the possibility to optimize packaging and transport of products in order to reduce or minimize the environmental impact. For this purpose we have invested in a facility for cleaning and conditioning IBC/ GRG type containers. Likewise, we can supply liquid adhesives in bulk tanks for customers with high consumption, which optimizes transport and completely reduces the use of containers.

Water soluble adhesives are tested in our laboratories





address Ctra. Barcelona a Sta Creu Calafell 68, 08830, Barcelona, Spain

phone +34 93 640 21 16



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