As a result, the Metsä Tissue mills in Mariestad, Pauliström and Nyboholm, are now using fossil free and CO2 neutral steam generation in tissue production.
“Energy-wise future is built on the renewables – also in tissue production where the drying phase is heat intensive. Therefore we have invested in bio energy in all our Swedish mills”, says Mark Watkins, SVP Consumer Nordics.
“We started to operate the new bio boiler in our Nyboholm mill in late 2017. Earlier we have been using partly fossil fuels for heat generation, but now the new boiler has enabled us to move to 100% bio fuels, meaning bark, sawdust, wood chips and other wood based fuels as well as sludge that is a production side stream from using recovered paper in our mills. Going forward, oil is used only as a reserve fuel for exceptional circumstances to ensure production continuity.”
The bio boiler investments (one in Pauliström, two in Mariestad and now the latest one in Nyboholm) support Metsä Group’s target to reduce fossil CO2 emissions in production.