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03.07.2018 technology

Two new Toscotec’s PRODERGY tissue machines start up at APP OKI mill, Indonesia

Following the start-up of two AHEAD-2.0L PRODERGY at Perawang mill earlier this year, these two OKI machines started production in less than 3 months after the start-up of the first of a series of Toscotec’s PRODERGY machine ordered by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) for its Perawang and OKI mills in Indonesia. In the next few months, other four machines will start up at the same site.

The AHEAD-2.0L PRODERGY is Toscotec’s top of the line tissue machine, featuring 5.6 m width, 2,000 m/min operating speed, a second-generation steel Yankee dryer of 22 feet diameter and steam-heated hoods.

Toscotec’s TT SYD-22FT is the biggest steel Yankee dryer ever manufactured in the world for tissue application. Toscotec’s energy saving innovations consolidate OKI mill’s optimized green process: the paper mill is fully integrated with a massive pulp mill of 2.8 million ton/yr estimated output.

Equipped with the most advanced environmental technology presently available, OKI production base is very much green-oriented. The mill will be powered by clean and self-sufficient energy generated from the pulp production process and wood bark gasification. Tissue production guarantees the highest standards in terms of tissue machine’s efficiency and energy consumption reduction, thanks to PRODERGY’s technological advantages.

Toscotec’s Chief Customer Service Officer Valter Di Nardo commented, “The erection, commissioning and start-up of OKI tissue machines was completed in record time. Toscotec’s technical team on site installed the first foundation plate on January 4. After just over one hundred days, we fired up the first AHEAD-2.0L PRODERGY, and after one week, the second start-up followed suit. The mill expressed satisfaction for tissue quality starting from day one”.

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